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CloudKid Presents Airmow - ROUGE
Atmospheric, groovy, and spooky are some of the words that come to mind upon listening to the first few seconds of Airmow’s latest release with CloudKid, ‘ROUGE.’ The track shows a darker and more mature side of the artist, with cinematographic influences coupled with other techno and more underground sensibilities featured in his production. Many of the elements of his production make listeners feel like they’re in a film — with this song, an ominous theme seems to circle the background, along with what can be described as high speed chase noises and beats that sound like whispers. It’s as if we, as listeners, are getting immersed in a huge, menacing world, even up until the song’s drop, where a certain element of violence is unleashed. Or in cinematic expression, where the story takes a turn and where viewers find themselves at the conflict part of the narrative.
Airmow says of the song’s background, “Lately, I’ve been composing more so with images in the background as a means to immerse myself into a particular universe. I’ve also really been inspired by science fiction movies as of late, such as TENET (with its oppressive and stressful scenes), AVENGERS (with its epic fights) and just recently, DUNE (with its huge landscapes that seem infinite). I think this track takes listeners on the intense journey of an action scene. Rouge means ‘red‘ in French: This colour is bright. but with many strong connotations. Red is the colour of blood, violence and revenge. In French,”voir rouge” (“seeing red”), means to be carried away by anger, by rage. And so, we find many of these elements in the song, too.”
»Seeing red signifies being carried away by anger, by rage; we find many of these elements in the song. «
The France-born and based artist and producer has been thinking of his next musical journey for some time now, with ‘ROUGE‘ being the final song of what he calls a “movie-like scenario” that will be the basis of his next EP. Working closely with creator, Valentin Houee, his partner in visual and creative direction, this extended play will encompass many tracks, like ‘ROUGE,’ that will combine various energies and intensities, similar to the likes of soundtracks to feature films. From the melancholic and soft, ‘My Life,’ of which features candid vocals by Frizzy The Streetz, to the more intense, broody blow of ‘ROUGE‘ as his latest, Airmow’s work does well in encapsulating what it means to be able to successfully translate feelings and emotions onto a piece of sound, backed up by a great backstory…just like in the movies. Like listeners hear in the song’s end, let the countdown begin!