Stileto Half Past Dead
Release Date 23/06/2021
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CloudKid Presents Stileto - Half Past Dead

The rocktronic masters Stileto are back. Really cranking up the guitars and overdrive on this occasion,‘Half Past Dead’ puts a spotlight one the duo’s love and influence for different musical eras, all combined and transported into today’s modern production. This mighty sound combined with an equally impressive vocal line, alluring layering and tasteful instrumental breaks puts the single as one of their best and most energetic yet.

They explain: “Our objective is to release only the highest quality music and content that we truly believe in”

»Our objective is to release only the highest quality music«

Inspired by a range of artists from Skrillex, to Panic! At The Disco and Timbaland, it’s clear to see why Stileto’s sound resonates instantly, while still feeling fresh in 2021 amongst so much other music. Having released their debut EP Dead Or Alive in, the duo have already amassed over 6M streams on Spotify, over 8M views on Youtube, as well as recognised by Spotify Editorial’s Rocktronic playlist. What time is it? Half Past Dead time. 

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